Landscapes are over and under watered regularly due to improper watering schedules. Improper watering causes soil nutrient loss, weaker, disease susceptible plants and shallow rooting. Hardscape, like asphalt, fences and buildings are damaged. Mold and fungus are promoted in constant wet conditions with no drying out periods. Landscapes are especially over watered during summer and fall resulting in significantly increased water bills.

Who Benefits?


  • You pay the water bills!
  • Save 20%-50% on water without upfront investment.
  • Use the well documented schedules year after year to keep in budget.
  • Be in charge with complete information. See changes quickly using highlights.

Property Manager

  • Stay in budget!
  • Demonstrate your control over the process using easy to understand reports.
  • 10 min per site each month is all you need.
  • Paperless management using online reporting.


  • Cut the time and effort to develop professional grade watering schedules.
  • Get new business using effective water management as a marketing tool.
  • Keep clients happy by saving on their water bills.
  • Lower costs by reducing customer complaints.

What does it do?


Dynamic Alerts

As schedules are being developed, dynamic alerts prevent over-under watering. Various alerts keep weather demand, landscape demand and run-off limits in check.


Online Reports

Each month’s schedule is posted to the online reports to show savings and progress. Easy to read charts and tables summarize the analysis down to simple facts.


Site Map

Knowing the location of various landscape elements and which valve waters which area is critical for water management. Site maps are within close reach while the schedules are being developed for quick reference.

How Does it Work?


The location and landscape characteristics (such as plant, slope and soil type) are setup through the quick and easy online setup. Using the location information the schedules are checked to fit climatic conditions. Similarly using landscape characteristics the schedules are made suitable to any landscape combination.

Starting Points

Using schedules developed in previous months as a starting point during new schedule development speeds up the process. Making minor adjustments rather than starting from scratch saves time and effort.


Meter Readings

Periodic meter readings are used to calculate savings and verification of the schedules. Reports show the recent period and year to date savings. Schedules are verified using meter reading data to ensure that the schedules are correctly entered into the watering equipment.


Soil Probing

Problem areas identified by the alerts should be further tested using a technique called soil probing. By inserting a soil probe deep into the soil the moisture level can be measured. The schedules are then fine-tuned to achieve even better results.

Landscape Quality CONTROL

Declining curb appeal and expensive plant replacements can be prevented by early detection of landscape defects. But consistency in quality inspections is difficult to achieve without a formal quality control process. Historical data tied to well defined inspection areas and preset priorities are required for comparable results.

Who Benefits?


  • Increase curb appeal to improve your property’s public image and tenancy.
  • Save on plant replacement costs.
  • Use the charts and tables provided with each inspection to assess performance.
  • Gain the necessary information to implement performance pay programs.

Property Manager

  • Keep landscape assets in top shape!
  • Manage landscape quality, budget and contractor relationships effortlessly.
  • Demonstrate your control over the process using professional reports.
  • Free yourself from paper using online reporting.


  • Protect against low bid competition by documenting quality of service.
  • Satisfy your clients by concentrating on high priority areas.
  • Let your good work be seen using easy to understand, online reports.
  • Manage employees efficiently and control your costs with early warning reports.

What does it do?


Inspection Maps

Green Leaf divides your property into logical, fixed inspection areas forming an inspection map.


Online Reports

Each inspection is easily posted to the online reports to show quality improvement progress. Easy to read charts and tables summarize the results of the inspections.

How Does it Work?

Priority Setup

Some areas of a property are more important than others. By assigning higher and lower priorities to inspection areas, you can hold your contractor to your quality standards while controlling the budget of the service.

Consistent Inspections

Inspections can be performed by the contractor, property manager and property owner. Using the pre-defined inspection maps assures the comparability of the results over time. Our data collection forms contain information about the defects found in past inspections to increase consistency.


Flexible Date Collection and Entry

Inspection data can be collected via a digital recorder or using our inspection form. Data entry is done through Green Leaf’s automated inspection entry form.

How much does it cost?

Pricing is based on square footage please contact us below for start the quoting process.

Quote Request Form

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Solar Energy Consultants LLC, Business Consultant, San Jose, CA

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